The Quiet Showers and Wash Facilities

Our showers and wash facilities at The Quiet Site are powered entirely by solar, biomass and ground source heat energy.  No fossil fuels are used at all.

Phase one of our 2023 refurbished services is now open.

Our vision of the future is all about individual and private rooms that include showers, loos, sinks and lot’s of space
Rows of communal sinks and lines of shower cubicles are a thing of the past
All hot water and heating is sourced sustainably using Heat Pumps, Solar Thermal and Biomass. ☀️☀️☀️

We have read many thousand’s of comments via our online satisfaction surveys and hope you like our interpretation of your views

Our team keep all our facilities spotlessly clean and they are warm and cosy throughout the year.

What you’ll find here:

Our facilities include:

12 unisex rooms in one large building with each room having a Shower, WC and Basin.

4 unisex rooms with direct access from outside with each room having a Shower, WC and Basin.

1 unisex room with direct access from outside containing a Shower, WC and Basin and Baby Bath.

1 room containing a WC and Basin.

A separate building includes 2 WC’s, 1x urinal and a sink.

Our separate Shower/WC/Basin rooms have a plug for hair driers.

Ready to Book?

Click the link to check our availability and make your booking.